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Mike Langford and Jackie Ranken are award winning  photographers who teach amateur and professional photographers about photographing the  New Zealand landscape. 

Based in Queenstown, they run 5 hour Photo Safaris to Paradise valley, the Rees Valley, The Nevis valley and Skippers Canyon.



Your images are the valuable visual record of where you have travelled, what you have experienced and how you felt about being there.

Mike and Jackie’s aim is to develop your photographic aesthetic. You will learn what makes a good photograph and why.

They will help you to improve your camera skills and craft so you can get the most from your digital SLR camera. You'll get constructive feedback on your photographic process and images, helping you to develop your own visual language.

These 4WD photo safaris are ideal for all levels of photography, using any brand of camera.

Mike and Jackie have Canon EOS DSLR and Mirrorless EOSR cameras and tripods for you to borrow.

Minimum group size 1, maximum group size 4. In total we could take 8 people in two vehicles.

Jackie Ranken

Australian born, Multi award winning landscape art photographer Jackie Ranken began her photography career at age 16. She is now an International judge and lecturer. Her honoraries are long; but what matters to her is that she is out there photographing and exploring who she is, increasing her skills base and expressing herself through her photography. She considers her ‘art’ to be classic black & white landscape photography, where the 'fine art print' is the most important end result of the photographic process.

Mike Langford

Mike has 35 years experience as an International Professional Photographer and has lectured and given workshops to professional photographers for 20 years. He is a passionate and patient teacher to all levels of photography and through all the photographic disciplines including: landscape, portraiture, architecture and commercial photography. Mike's approach is one of research and understanding the requirements needed to successfully communicate an idea. He has published over 20 books, with more to come


Together, Mike and Jackie have created a series of Field Guides for photographers to take along on the safaris or along on their own adventures.   They cover everything from finding the ideal location to mastering the settings of your camera. The spiral bound book is the ideal size to fit into your camera bag and is almost as good as having Jackie or Mike in the field with you!